About Jimmy

  • Global expert in scalable vertical development programs
  • Nearly 30 years of transforming executives, leadership teams, and large organizations
  • Personally led over 100 org transformation initiatives in multiple Fortune 50 companies and multiple industries – technology, healthcare, energy, retail, and public sector
  • Facilitated over 500 events with groups of all sizes
  • Former attack helicopter pilot and U.S. Marine Corps officer, U.S. Naval Academy graduate
  • PhD in developmental psychology applied to organizational transformation

Jimmy Parker | jimmy@vertical.dev | (404) 969-5323

    What People Have Said

    • Jimmy is the best I have seen…nothing short of phenomenal - Chuck H, Chief Strategy Officer
    • Jimmy is one of those rare catalysts able to propel an organization's personnel to the next level. - Chris J, Chief Technology Officer
    • Jimmy has an innate ability to help others discover their strengths and weaknesses for improvement and growth. - Chris W, Chief Executive Officer
    • I am absolutely blown away by Jimmy's work. - John A, Business Professor and Management Consultant
    • Jimmy was the driving force behind our success. - Greg T, CEO


    with Forbes contributor and author of Wired for Disruption Henna Inam.

    with President of Speechworks and author of 15 Minutes Including Q&A Joey Asher.

    for the International Leadership Association with professor & author Scott Allen


    in the book Maturing Leadership: How Adult Development Impacts Leadership 
    in the book Moving the Needle: What We Know (and Don't Know) about Developing Leaders
    World’s largest study about vertical leadership development applied to organizational culture

    Jimmy Parker
    (404) 969-5323

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